Privacy Policy


Each Member (of whatever class) of the Bohemian Club (the “Club”) who shall access this Members’ Website (the “Website”) shall be deemed to have agreed to the following Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (which may be changed at any time by action of the Board of Directors of the Club).

The Website is solely for the use, information and enjoyment of the Members of the Club and no other person. The Member shall assure that no person who is not a Member shall have access to the Website. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing sentence, the Member shall password protect access to the Website and shall keep such password confidential and for the use only of the Member. The Member shall not make copies of any postings on the Website (by screen-shot or otherwise).

Information on the Website shall be posted by the staff of the Club as may be approved by the Club’s Communications Department and the Club’s General Manager. Members shall not be entitled to post information on the Website but may request that information be posted by submission of such request to the Manager of the Club’s Communications Department who may, but shall not be required, to post the same on the Website with any modifications deemed appropriate.

Each Member acknowledges and agrees that no information of proceedings or happenings of the Club, whether in the City Clubhouse, at the Grove, or elsewhere, shall be published, or made available for publication, by printing, pictorial reproduction, internet postings, or otherwise, except by the prior written permission of the Board of Directors of the Club. Publicity regarding the Club in connection with private parties or events shall comply with the Club Bylaws, rules and policies.

Postings on the Website and rights to copy the same shall be the property of the Club and not of any Member.